ことしも食品値上しょくひんねあ相次あいつぎ 1がつ580品目ひんもくで↑
2023-01-04 11:02:07
Anonymous 05:01 14/01/2023
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ことしも食品値上しょくひんねあ相次あいつぎ 1がつ580品目ひんもくで↑
label.tran_page Prices of food continues to rise this year as well - 580 items increase in January


label.tran_page The price of food continues to rise this year.
label.tran_page The price of items, which will continue to rise until April, is more than 1.5 times higher than last year, with the price of 580 items increasing this month.

label.tran_page The price of 580 items increased in January, including flour products like pasta, pasta sauce, baked sweet goods, and tempura flour, dressings, canned goods, and baked sweets made from rice.

label.tran_page The cause is an increase in imports costs due to the rising price of raw materials and logistics and labor costs as well as the weakening of the yen.

label.tran_page With the prices rising again and repeated price increases, the rush of price hikes continues to lengthen.

label.tran_page By April, the price of 7152 items will have increased, which is more than 1.5 times more than this time last year; more than half, around 4300 items, will be concentrated in February in particular.

label.tran_page Teikoku Databank analyses that there is a high possibility that prices will continue to rise, since profits are currently not being met due to less shifting of costs the closer the industry gets to the consumer.