中国ちゅうごく大規模だいきぼ砂嵐すなあらし 大気汚染たいきおせんはWHO基準きじゅんの37ばい
2023-03-24 07:10:03
Aditya Dimas 01:03 24/03/2023
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中国ちゅうごく大規模だいきぼ砂嵐すなあらし 大気汚染たいきおせんはWHO基準きじゅんの37ばい
label.tran_page Large-scale dust storms in China Air pollution is 37 times higher than WHO standards


label.tran_page Severe dust storms hit cities in northern China on Sunday, pushing air pollution to dangerous levels.


label.tran_page According to Beijing’s Environmental Monitoring Center, the concentration of fine particulate matter, PM10, in the air in the city reached 1,667 micrograms per cubic meter as of 6 a.m.

label.tran_page This figure is 37 times higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) standard of 45 micrograms.
label.tran_page The center said it was the worst sandstorm of the year


label.tran_page Beijing meteorological authorities have urged residents to avoid outdoor exercise, drive carefully and slow down.


label.tran_page Sandstorms hit Beijing every spring, but in recent years the damage has become more serious due to industrial activity and deforestation across northern China.