台湾たいわん総統そうとう チェコ下院かいん議長ぎちょう会談かいだん民主みんしゅ主義しゅぎ陣営じんえい結束けっそく強化きょうかを”
3/27/2023 7:51:37 PM +09:00
M. Abu yousef 12:03 27/03/2023
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台湾たいわん総統そうとう チェコ下院かいん議長ぎちょう会談かいだん民主みんしゅ主義しゅぎ陣営じんえい結束けっそく強化きょうかを”
label.tran_page President of Taiwan meets with Speaker of the Czech House of Representatives to “strengthen the unity of the democratic camp”.
label.tran_page President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan met with Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Czech Republic Adamova, who is visiting Taipei, and conveyed his desire to strengthen the unity of the democratic camp, including the Czech Republic, and confirmed cooperation.