民家みんかかべから300キロちょうのドングリ、キツツキの仕業しわざか 米加州べいかしゅう
2023-02-10 11:02:12
Anonymous 23:02 10/02/2023
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民家みんかかべから300キロちょうのドングリ、キツツキの仕業しわざか 米加州べいかしゅう
label.tran_page Acorns weighing more than 300 kilograms from the wall of a private house, may have been the work of a woodpecker, California, USA


label.tran_page In Sonoma County, California, a large number of acorns were recently found in the walls of a house.
label.tran_page It is believed that a friend of the woodpecker called ”acorn woodpecker” stocked up


label.tran_page Residents of a private house discovered insects coming out of the bedroom wall and visited Mr. Nick Castro, who runs a pest control business.
label.tran_page Investigation revealed that this was a mealworm, feeding on a large amount of acorns that two acorn woodpeckers seemed to have collected.


label.tran_page When Castro made a small 10 cm square hole in the wall, acorns overflowed.
label.tran_page After that, the acorn ”came out without stopping”


label.tran_page ”It was an unbelievable amount,” Castro said.
label.tran_page The acorns are believed to have been collected over the past two to five years and Castro estimates they weigh at least 317 kilograms.